What are the five pillars?
Systemic Racism
A form of racism expressed in the practice of social and political institutions. It can lead to such issues as discrimination in criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education, among other issues. Faith in Justice and Peace will work to eradicate these systems at the root, addressing and challenging racist ideologies.
Economic and Community Development
A comprehensive, market-based approach to fighting poverty. This process is driven by the residents of affected communities. Economic and Community Development leverages private capital with public resources and community-based know-how to meet basic needs, to stimulate growth, and to create economic opportunity. Faith in Justice and Peace will consider initiatives that focus on immediate community needs, as well as preparing long-term goals to create vibrant and sustainable communities
The impact of housing on health is now being widely considered by policymakers. Housing is one of the best-researched social determinants of health. Social determinants of health are the economic and social conditions that affect health outcomes and are the underlying, contributing factors of health inequities. Faith in Justice and Peace will lead the conversations regarding equitable and affordable housing in communities of color.
Health (mental and physical)
Racial disparities, or unfair differences, within the system of mental and physical health are well documented. Research indicates that compared with people who are white, Black people are less likely to have access to adequate health services. As a result, they are also less likely to seek out services. Faith in Justice and Peace endeavors to bridge the gap in both the access to and the delivery of culturally sensitive and unbiased mental and physical health services
Legislation (policy)
"You can't change a community's situation until you equip them to impact or move legislation." ~ Pastor Chris Harris. Faith in Justice and Peace will not only work to advocate for issues related to the Black community but will also teach the Black community the principles of advocacy to affect legislation.