Battling Anti-Asian Hate Is an Expression of God’s Kingdom
Asian Americans have often been marginalized in our country’s history. That doesn’t mean we can’t do something about it.
An Election 2020 Prayer Guide
As we near a critical election, now is the time for the church to act—through prayer, fasting, and repentance.
The Community We Need Right Now
The Asian American community is hurting, and we need each other more than ever.
Why Single-Issue Voting Doesn't Reflect the Gospel
God doesn’t have limits on the people and issues he cares about. We shouldn’t impose those on him as we cast our ballots.
One Thing We Lack
There’s a dearth of public, strategic giving from Asian Americans. We can lead the way.
A Safe Space from Racism
When faced with the double trauma of the pandemic and anti-Asian racism, we need time to rest and lay our burdens at the feet of Jesus.
Election Resources for Asian American Voters
Many Asian Americans typically don’t vote. These resources can empower you to help change that.
The Holy Work of Good Trouble
I was taught that getting into trouble was always a bad thing. Rep. John Lewis showed me otherwise.
This Far by Faith
The burden-sharing between communities during this time of activism should encourage us all.
Do the Work
During this time of racial reckoning, we each have our own work to do.
In the Now and Not Yet
An ally’s reflection on what white Christian communities can learn from the #AAC March.
What Difference will Asian American Christians Make?
We don’t fit the typical evangelical mold, which can be a good thing.
The Asian American Voice Can Stand On Its Own
AAPI Christian leaders have historically relied on the white evangelical megaphone. But our unique voice carries its own weight.
The Asian American Christians for Black Lives and Dignity March in Chicago
What happened at the historic #AACMarch.
Why the Model Minority Myth Was Never True
The idea came out of historically discriminatory practices, and its damage continues today.
Let’s Talk About White Privilege and Slavery
White privilege today has its roots in slavery. Until we understand this, we can’t move forward.
Beyond the Blackouts and Protests
The work needs to continue. Here are eight Black Christian-led organizations you can support in the long term.
Black Voices that Asian Americans Need to Hear
An AACC-recommended list of books, publications, articles, and films by Black leaders, thinkers, and activists to understand the African-American experience and anti-Blackness in America.
Shalom Amidst the Rioting
A Hmong-American pastor and a Korean-American pastor share recommendations for seeking healing, reconciliation, and justice in a time of deep grief and anger.
An Asian American Guide to Dismantling Anti-Blackness
So, you want to begin fighting anti-Black racism? Here’s how to start.