Justice & Culture, Faith & Theology Carl Park Justice & Culture, Faith & Theology Carl Park

Advent Worship and Corporate Action: The Third Sunday of Advent

All of us are invited, even called, by God to make Jesus our hope. None of us are more worthy or less worthy to encounter God today. There’s no chart with God that puts some of us closer and some of us farther away. We’re all on the same ground. So, whoever you are, wherever you’ve been, welcome. God’s Spirit is here. Let’s meet him.

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Faith & Theology Katie Nguyen Palomares & Gracie Hulse Faith & Theology Katie Nguyen Palomares & Gracie Hulse

Advent in the Midst of Suffering, Part II

This year, I will hope in the face of suffering and tragedy. Not because it’s easy, and not as a trite answer to make the darkness of suffering go away. But as a declaration that my Savior’s life from womb to tomb and beyond truly did conquer darkness.

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Faith & Theology, Series Juliet Liu Faith & Theology, Series Juliet Liu

Freed from Fearful Timidity in Order to Flourish

Pastoring has been the soil on which I have met the Lord, over and over again. This calling invites me to be saturated in God’s presence and in God’s Word, year after year. It stirs up all of my insecurities and fears and my imposter syndrome, and those things become the ripe soil on which Jesus meets me, over and over again, to speak his words of love.

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Faith & Theology Julie Yeeun Kim Faith & Theology Julie Yeeun Kim

Gifts of the Asian American Church

Perhaps we have been content to be spectators in our own homes, mimickers of our neighbors, and borrowers of their blessings. And I wonder: What would it take to make us care? If our resignation is learned behavior, a consequence of our unique structural disadvantages, how can we unlearn it and become brave?

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