Let the Scales Fall

A spoken word piece exploring the blind spots we each have.

By Amanda Mae (Magadia) Steele

I’d like to address this tension at the risk of dissension, 

but ultimately my intention is to build relations.

So, can we have a conversation? 

I’m still with you—

My heart is to spread the good news and tell the Truth.

But here’s the thing that’s weighing on me: 

I can’t love God with all my heart, mind, and soul 

while trying to fit your mold. 

Is it too bold of me to say, I don’t always agree or think the same way?

You urge me to “Speak up! Tell your story!”

But when I open up, you say I’m “accusatory.”

You insist that our differences are matters of fiction; 

your denial diminishes my spirit.

Am I being too harsh, too direct? 

Sorry, I’ve never been good at conflict.

All I’ve known is: 

“Don’t yell”

“Don’t cry” 

”Keep quiet” 

And I’m so, so tired.

All this time it’s been on me to do the “seeing,”

so please don’t dismiss my feelings -- Do you hear me? 

Or are you thinking of what to say while I’m speaking,

Rehearsing Bible verses to use against me?

Like salt on a wound, your words hurt, 

and I’m a bit discouraged.


Yet still I hear God whisper: 

“Child, have courage! 

Do you really want healing? 

It’s gonna take work and forgiving.

But this is ‘My kingdom come, 

My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’

Tell me: are you willing to accept this challenge?

“Or will you too - WILL YOU TWO

choose to stay blind, content to be confined 

to the sinful nature of humankind?

Choosing to miss out on my intentional design, 

choosing false peace by staying divided?

This is NOT the abundant life which my Son came to die for, provide for...

Lord, have mercy, help us see the light! 

Holy Spirit, make the scales fall off of our eyes!

Teach us that which is just and right,

and give us grace to submit the things we cannot comprehend,

until that one sweet day when Jesus comes again.


Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash

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Amanda Mae Steele is a writer and photographer based out of Franklin, TN. Originally from San Francisco, she attended Indiana University where she met her husband, Nick, and got her degree in vocal performance and theatre (not very Asian!). She spent time in Los Angeles singing and acting before moving to Nashville and falling into professional ministry. A true Enneagram 7, she has worked a million random jobs, loves life, people, travel, culture, food, coffee, beauty, and puppies! Follow her on Instagram.

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