Fall 2024 Series

Pioneers of Progress: Stories of Faith and the Pursuit of Justice

Call for Submissions

As we approach Fall 2024, a time when civic engagement becomes especially pressing, AACC invites you to reflect on the role of faith and justice in shaping civic involvement. Our Fall series, Pioneers of Progress, seeks to explore the lives, stories, and movements that have inspired Asian American Christians to become active in their communities and the public square.

What does civic engagement mean to you?
Why is it essential, as an Asian American Christian, to participate in public areas of concern? In what ways has your faith fueled your commitment to justice and service? Whether it’s through voting, organizing, or community building, we want to hear how you’ve been inspired to step into the civic sphere.

Who has inspired your civic engagement?
We are particularly interested in stories about the public figures—past and present—who have impacted your journey toward civic action. These could be:

  • Civil rights activists

  • Authors or poets

  • Church leaders or pastors

  • Local politicians or community organizers

  • Musicians or artists

Submission Guidelines:
For Fall 2024, AACC is accepting essays, reflections, poetry, and artwork centered on the theme of Asian American faith and civic engagement. We welcome diverse perspectives and creative expressions that speak to how Asian American Christians have been inspired to engage in justice work, both locally and nationally.

Suggested Topics:

  • The role of churches, community centers or neighborhood groups in fostering civic engagement

  • Experiences of volunteering in local or marginalized communities

  • The significance of voting and encouraging voter turnout

  • Involvement with local government or city officials to advocate for change

  • Empowering marginalized groups within the Asian American or broader community

  • Advocacy for specific issues such as immigration, mental health, or education

  • Book reviews on the topics of Asian American political engagement, biographies of key figures, theological works on faith and politics

  • Theological reflection on the role of faith in civic engagement 

While these are suggested areas to explore, we encourage you to think broadly about civic engagement and how faith plays a role in it and who has inspired you in this area.

Submission Details:
Please follow our submission guidelines and fill out the Google form linked below. We are accepting submissions and pitches until October 14, 2024. We look forward to amplifying the voices and stories that will inspire further civic involvement in our communities.


Please submit your pitches using this form.


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